
The wellbeing of you, your family, and your staff is important. Your people are your best resource, so it makes sense to value and invest in the farm team




Employer Support Rural Support Taranaki Farmers Good Farm Planning Hub
Rural Support – Employors
Taranaki Farmers Good Farm Planning Hub
Rural Support – Employees
Employee Engagement On New Zealand Dairy Farms Taranaki Farmers Good Farm Planning Hub
Employee Engagement on New Zealand Dairy Farms
Good Farm Planning Hub Taranaki Farm Safety Management System Resource
Farm Safety Management System eLearning Module

People are the heart of any business, and when people management goes well, can be the icing on the cake of a day at work, but people management can also be a huge challenge.

Two key areas of people management are Health and Safety, and Employment relations. Farms are often remote and operate large machinery in a range of conditions.

Thirdly, the mental health of everyone on the farm is a really important factor to keep in mind when planning farm operations.

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