Registrations Full – Good Farm Guide to Navigating Regulations

Special Rural Professional Workshop

Understand the regulatory requirements facing farm businesses, find out what farmers need to know, how they can identify their regulatory compliance gaps, and where further information and support is available.

On the back of the successful release of the Good Farm Guide to Navigating Regulations and interest from rural professionals, Taranaki Catchment Communities presents a one-off workshop on farm regulation tailored to RPs.

Presented by Perrin Ag, the workshop will cover the key areas of regulation farm businesses are required to meet, including what’s coming up, how farmers can self-assess their business, and take you through how to use the resource guide to support regulatory compliance discussions with your farmer clients.

Information presented at the workshop draws from content developed in the Good Farm Guide to Navigating Regulations which will be provided as a physical ringbinder as part of the workshop.

What’s in it for you?

  • Understand the compliance requirements faced by farm businesses
  • Find out how to support your farmer clients to meet regulatory compliance.
  • Take away a physical copy of the Good Farm Guide to Navigating Regulations

Date & location:

Venue: Stratford TET Multisports Centre
Date: Tuesday 6 August
Time: 9.30am – 2.00pm


Registrations are now closed

NZ ARM is going to run a similar workshop in the future. If you would like to be notified about this, please fill in the form below.

    Working together to support
    Taranaki farmers